Raya 2012 - Day 4
The usual spot to hangout whenever I'm back in hometown, also a nice place to enjoy good foodskeropok lekor, satar, otak-otak, with friends. :)
Pretty much the same thing we did during previous Raya. Paid a visit to grandparent's, both sides, my mom's and dad's. We started at 10 a.m. right after Solat Raya and finished at 1 p.m. Its kinda nostalgic to see places that I used to grow up when I was a kid, good ol' times.
Not to mention that my brother already got his first DSLR earlier this year, so I decided to left mine back at Cyber. Haven't been using my DSLR for a quite some time. I even thinking of selling it though.
So last night, I went out to Jerteh with my old friends. They wanna find stuff for Raya while I just want to go out and shoot with my X100. We ended our so called journey at almost 2 a.m. with Nasi Air + Ayam + Perut. Yummeh ~