Happy Eid Ul Fitr

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir dan Batin.
Kepada semua yang mengenali diri ini, baca dan follow blog ni, silent readers, kawan-kawan dari zaman kecik sampai sekarang.


Iftar with Yana

Sounds like I was dating someone right ? Haha no, I'm not. Well I was asked by Rosh to accompany him to Iftar with his friend, Yana and her fans ( but she preferred to address them as super friends ).

Thought it would be a casual one, just eat and go home after that, but no, it turned out to be so-called mini gathering, and there is another session after iftar, a small game/competition/telematch held by Yana herself and the president of the fanclub, the guy who in green baju melayu, and yeah I joined them played the game, it was awkward but fun.

Unfortunately, I stopped halfway in order to test out my X100, yes another reason why I decided to come, instead of getting free meals. Result ? IMO, I effing love it.

Yeay. Finally, got one for this year. :P

X100 Test Shots

I've been planning few months back to buy this fujifilm X100 before my trip to Beijing but due to limited stocks in Malaysia, I couldn't find one during that time.

Finally, I've got mine last saturday. Bought at Keat Camera, Jalan Pudu. MMU Students must be familiar with this camera shop :D

Here some test shots. Pardon the caption. :P

" Siapkan kerja sekolah dulu, tak siap tak boleh tengok TV " - quote zaman dulu



Ili. Khas untuk tatapan Nad.

Awek jepun. Mein Moshi Moshi namanya.


Mein Melon

Mein Mmm.


Baju ditaja khas oleh Zul Luey of Luey Motion Lab.

Updated 17/08 : Photocopy of Mein

Don't get it wrong, this is not bullying.

Try again.

Every motio's have one, this is Mein's.

Mein Gusta

The colour produced by X100 is pretty accurate. Nice, I prefer shoot more, edit less.

Beijing : Part 2

Hello, finally I managed to find some ( not really ) free time to edit photos and updated the second part of my Beijing's post. Too bad I couldn't remember details of some photos, especially the name of the place, sorry about that. :P

Outside pearl's factory. I didn't took much photos here.


Jade Sand Painting.


Got caught while taking this photo. She noticed me.


Like previous factories we visited, most of them had some stalls selling stuff/souvenirs on the way out or at the exit door.


I can't remember the story behind this padlocks but its mainly about wives showing their love and loyal to husbands who were working on the Great Wall or fighting in a war if I'm not mistaken.

Update 13/08 : New photos added.

At Nan Dou Ya MOSQUE

Somewhere near the street in front of our hotel.

Random places.

to be continue. :P
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All contents are (C) Muhammad Ajwad unless stated otherwise