Finally, I've got mine last saturday. Bought at Keat Camera, Jalan Pudu. MMU Students must be familiar with this camera shop :D
Here some test shots. Pardon the caption. :P

" Siapkan kerja sekolah dulu, tak siap tak boleh tengok TV " - quote zaman dulu



Ili. Khas untuk tatapan Nad.

Awek jepun. Mein Moshi Moshi namanya.


Mein Melon

Mein Mmm.


Baju ditaja khas oleh Zul Luey of Luey Motion Lab.
Updated 17/08 : Photocopy of Mein

Don't get it wrong, this is not bullying.

Try again.

Every motio's have one, this is Mein's.

Mein Gusta

The colour produced by X100 is pretty accurate. Nice, I prefer shoot more, edit less.
aaahahahah panas weh . pakai baju kat MotioFixo! hahaha nice photos weh!
ReplyDeletewatashi Mein Moshi Moshi :D
ReplyDeleteZoule > Ahahaha. Yeah. Takpe, Zul Luey legend, diorang tak kisah meh. :D
ReplyDeleteMein > Moshi Moshi, Mein Moshi Moshi. XD
ReplyDeletewow!! bleh tau brp rm? jln pudu tu kat pudu plaza or kedai2 kat tepi jln tu.
ReplyDeleteAn > ngap dap neh.
ReplyDeleteLiz > oh, harga 3.6k, boleh beli DSLR seketul hehe. Jalan pudu yang kat kedai2 tepi jalan.